How to level up Sneaker

You will need $PYWALK to level up Sneaker. Each level has a corresponding level-up fee.

Level-up fees depend on sneaker type and rarity.

You will need $PYRA also to up levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 29, and 30.

1. Open the Pyramid Marketplace on your PC or mobile

2. Sign in by Metamask

3. Open Inventory and choose the sneaker, that needs to level up

4. You need to approve $PYRA and $PYWALK, when leveling up for the first time( ignore this step if you have approved tokens already). Click on Approve Level Up

5. Click on Level Up

6. Make sure you have enough $PYWALK and $PYRA(if any). Then click Confirm

7. You can check level-up to progress by clicking Level Up again.

8. Wait until level-up progress is completed

Note: You can use sneakers to walk while leveling up.

Last updated