How to earn with PyramidWalk


How to Earn: with Pyramid Walk to Earn

The Pyramid Walk is focusing to create wealth and a healthy lifestyle, with Pyramid Walk, it's “easy to Walk and easy to Earn”.

1️⃣ Get Pyramid Walk2Earn App:

Download the App and follow the link:

App Store:

CH Store:

2️⃣ Connect Wallet:

During this phase, we advise you to process Wallet connected with an address without assets during this Demo stage, this is for your secured assets. Everything is safe with our App but hackers will likely be targeting our vulnerable users. So please, be aware of any unofficial instruction from the PYRAMID Team.

Suggested wallet: Metamask is highly recommended for the best performance

3️⃣ Choose your Sneaker:

Walker: 2000m count down time-24h

Hyper Walker: 2000m count down time-24h

Sky Walker: 1500m count down time-12h

Moon Walker: 1000m count down time-12h NFT Sneakers is on the demo version, your NFT Sneaker feature in-app is temporary and untradeable.

4️⃣ Walk to Earn:

Click Start and Walk…After finishing the total distance by your Walker, click the “pause” button, and you will receive the same amount of $PYWALK according to your selected Walker.

5️⃣ Congratulations, you have done the Walking for the day. Keep a good routine and hold your $PYRA for more use in our Pyramid Ecosystem.

$PYWALK is an in-game token: that can be used later when the “Earn” function is fully deployed after listing.

-Check attendant: Earn $PYWALK

-Daily Challenge: Example: Walk at 7 am/ 5 pm

-Earn $PYWALK simply by walking with Walkers $PYWALK can be swapped to $PYRA to take profit or stake in the Pyramid Ecosystem.

Last updated